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PHOTOS: Grande Prairie pow wow returns

June 27, 2024

By: Jesse Boily

The Grande Prairie Traditional Pow Wow at Bonnetts Energy Centre saw people of all ages and backgrounds over the weekend.

Dancer  Lavender Pitts, 3, was among some the youngest participants, while Whitehead Eagle Lawerence Piche, below,  danced alongside other golden age dancers.(Photo by Jesse Boily)
Whitehead Eagle Lawerence Piche danced during the Golden Age dance. (Photo by Jesse Boily)
Grande Prairie RCMP were also in attendence on Friday evening with some officers wearing the RCMP Ribbon Skirt, which was approved as part of the uniform earlier this year. (Photo by Jesse Boily)
The grand entry during the Grande Prairie Traditional Pow Wow at the Bonnetts Energy Centre in Grande Prairie, Alta. on Friday, June 21, 2024. The pow wow ran all weekend and is the fifth year of operation. It included a hands games tournament and an indigenous market. (Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)

The pow wow included a hand games tournament and an indigenous market.

National Indigenous Peoples Day

People lined the streets of Grande Prairie for the National Indigenous Peoples Day parade on Friday. 

The parade was hosted by the Grande Prairie Friendship Centre and travelled along 102 St. before concluding at Bonnetts Energy Centre for the Grande Prairie Traditional Pow Wow. 

(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)
(Photo by Jesse Boily)