The Grande Con entertainment expo brought celebrities from film and television and sports to the city over the weekend. GrandeCon is also a fundraiser for Odyssey House, which provides a safe, secure and supportive accommodation for women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, are in crisis or in need of a housing alternative.
A Jawa gets caught stealing at Grande Con at the Bonnetts Energy Centre in Grande Prairie, Alta. on Saturday, July 13, 2024. (Photo by Jesse Boily)(Photo by Jesse Boily)Jordi Eliza sat for a birthday tattoo at Grande Con. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Left to right, Don Golden (Professor Jones), Max Golden (Han Solo), and Nicholas Walker (Indiana Jones) were all smiles as they dressed as their favourite characters. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Craig McNair, with Alberta Ghostbusters, was looking for fellow ghostbusters at Grande Con. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Artist Niki Sangra and Dan Gunther were busy selling artwork at the artist alley at Grande Con. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Marc Bernardin, film and television writer, shared his process for writing a television show. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Colin Stroud of Sixpence Creations was busy painting her sculptures she was selling at Grande Con. (Photo by Jesse Boily)Natasha Kenned (Sailor Jupiter), left and Ryan Whatley (Sailor Venus). (Photo by Jesse Boily)Cards Board Game Cafe hosted a gaming area. (Photo by Jesse Boily)