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Remembrance Day 2023 in the Grande Prairie region

November 16, 2023
Sexsmith Hythe Wembley Beaverlodge Be sure to check out more Remembrance Day coverage from Town & Country News

 Indigenous Veterans honoured in special event

November 16, 2023

Indigenous veterans were honoured and remembered on Nov. 8 for Indigenous Veterans Day in Grande Prairie. The ceremony, at the Veterans Memorial Gardens and Interpretive Centre, included special guest Randi Gage who co-founded the day 30 years ago.Gage said the day is important to ensure indigenous people can remember veterans their way and include indigenous traditions […]

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Commemorating Hythe veterans

November 16, 2023

On Remembrance Day, Canadians across the country took a moment to recall the service of their local veterans, both here and gone, and both deserving to be remembered.Two of Hythe’s veterans were recognized for a longevity of service by their local legion in September; this week, Town & Country News sat down with them to […]

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Students experience a night in the trenches 

November 16, 2023

Hillcrest Christian School students braved the cold Thursday night (Nov. 16) as they slept under the stars for a Night in the Trenches. The grade 10 to 12 students got to experience what it may have felt like for First World War Canadian soldiers. Students from Hillcrest Christian School dig trenches. (Photo by Jesse Boily)“We hope that […]

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November march to take back the night

November 16, 2023

Throughout the 1970s, citizens across the United States took to the streets to protest against sexual violence. By the 1980s, the annual march had spread across North America, with Canadians across the county joining in the effort to take back the night.Today, this tradition continues in Grande Prairie as the Take Back the Night march […]

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$100,000 for dual credit program at St. John Paul II Catholic School

November 9, 2023

St. John Paul II Catholic School in Grande Prairie has received $100,000 to help support its welding fabrication lab.The announcement comes as the province invests $3.6 million in dual credit grants to school authorities across the province this school year.“Through dual credit programs, students can transition seamlessly into their next opportunity, whether it is post-secondary […]

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Change in focus needed to draw new members to seniors clubs

November 9, 2023

The Beaverlodge Senior Citizens Association is looking for fresh horses. Or in this case, more bodies to help bring new life and bolster a small roster. Association chairman Ken Rycroft said there are currently 25 members, a number that has been shrinking since the association began in 1974 as organizations such as Amisk Court began to offer […]

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County FCSS contributions rise as provincial funding stay the same

November 9, 2023

The programs and deliverables of Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) are vital, and its why the County of Grande Prairie continues to over-contribute to its funding, said county FCSS director Kathleen Turner. Over the past five years, the county has consistently increased funding to FCSS, while the province’s contribution has stayed the same. FCSS programming is […]

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Though poppies grow: Remembrance Day services

November 2, 2023

The time has come for Canadians to once again don the poppy, as communities are preparing for Remembrance Day services.Before the 11th, a ceremony for Indigenous Veterans Day will take place on Nov. 8 at the Veteran Memorial Gardens and Interpretive Centre (10121 93 St. Grande Prairie) .Centre executive director and collections manager Renee Charbonneau […]

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NWP program to train international nurses to work in the province 

November 2, 2023

New provincial funding to support nursing will mean another 96 seats for international students at Northwestern Polytechnic.On Oct. 17, the province announced $11 million to expand bridging programs for internationally educated nurses.Bridging programs aim to help nurses trained internationally gain their licenses to practice in Alberta, and $.5 million is going to NWP for international […]

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