Ed Widdifield was a big man.Those who saw him from afar may have thought he was rugged and tough. Neil Robertson knew Ed for 34 years since Ed served as his ninth grade hockey coach, and said he got to know a different side to the big man.“When you got to know him, it was the […]
The Town of Wembley may receive a $200,000 boost for its prehistoric rebranding initiative. The town was approved to receive the maximum amount of a matching grant program through the Northern and Regional Economic Development (NRED).NRED, a provincial government program, funds initiatives led by Alberta municipalities, indigenous communities and non-profit organizations that promote economic development. “We’re excited […]
About $166,000 toward helping emergency evacuees may not be recovered by the City of Grande Prairie. The city believes the amount is not eligible for reimbursement from the province due to “inconsistency and unclarity in provincial legislation and regulation.”“There's a lot of burden on our administration as the host municipality in regards to making sure that […]
A look back as well as ahead highlighted the city’s State of the City event on March 26. Mayor Jackie Clayton moderated the event that spoke to members from the city administration, the Grande Prairie Police Service (GPPS), Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) and the Grande Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce (GPDCC).“I'm extremely excited about 2024,” said […]
City council approved $24,000 to the Cairn Housing Society on Monday after the society requested emergency funding. The funds, approved at the regular meeting of council, include $16,000 for the society’s operational costs and $8,000 for its food security program. “My concern is that we have a bigger issue,” said Mayor Jackie Clayton. Council directed administration to […]
The Alberta Winter Games created an estimated economic impact of $4.6 million for the Grande Prairie region.The estimate comes from a Sport Tourism Canada STEAM report. “Being a games city is something we're very proud of,” said City of Grande Prairie Mayor Jackie Clayton. “It gives us an opportunity not only to highlight our incredible facilities but […]
The Bear Creek Folk Festival (BCFF) will receive $80,000 from the city.City council approved $50,000 in sponsorship and an additional $30,000 from the Council Strategic Initiatives Fund at last Monday’s (March 11) regular council meeting.“We're very grateful that council is so supportive of the festival and such a fantastic partner in this event,” said Sarah […]
It’s hard to believe that Sexsmith would be the way it is today without the work of Jean Rycroft.A passionate historian, Jean was dedicated to the cause of preserving Sexsmith’s historic past, from collecting the stories of pioneers to advocating for the historic frontage on the town’s main street.But according to daughter Stacy Rorem, what […]