Heritage Day brought approximately 150 visitors to the Old Bezanson Townsite, seeking a look back into the past of the South Peace region.On a sunny Aug. 7, visitors came to the townsite to enjoy a day of demonstrations, tours and a live excavation of one of the historic sites. County of Grande Prairie Reeve Bob […]
With only one week left of August, harvest has come to our local community gardens.Things are growing at least two weeks ahead of schedule at the garden in Beaverlodge, according to volunteer Debbie Schmuhl.Besides an incident in June where the garden’s potatoes were prematurely plucked, Schmuhl said it’s been a good season. “Some of the stuff […]
Northwestern Polytechnic is asking the city to reconsider its tax on student dormitories. Corporate Services Vice President Karl Germann wrote to the city making the request in a June 13 letter.According to the Municipal Government Act, student dormitories are exempt from taxation, but it allows municipalities to pass a bylaw to make certain property types subject […]
Beaverlodge is once again seeking a peace officer.After stepping into the role in November of last year, Bradley Thibeault left the town’s employment two weeks ago for a new job in central Alberta, Beaverlodge Mayor Gary Rycroft told the News.“It really took the council by shock because he stood out as an outstanding employee right […]
Summer’s nearly over, but community fun is spiking. As August comes to a close, fall fairs are around the corner across the county.The Wembley Fall Fair is set to start on Aug. 26, and Wembley and District Agricultural Society president Renee Corrigal said there’s a big day planned for guests.After a pancake breakfast starting at […]
Beaverlodge residents choosing to feed deer may be facing charges of $150 if the town goes ahead with a new bylaw. The Town of Beaverlodge may soon join a small number of Alberta municipalities with a wildlife feeding bylaw. First reading of the new Bylaw #1021 is slated for next month, after a Aug. 8 committee of […]
Dr. Vanessa Sheane will be the post-secondary institution's new acting president and CEO, Northwestern Polytechnic announced July 26.Justin Kohlman was appointed to the role in August 2021 for five years but left after just under two years.Sheane has worked at the school for 12 years and previously served as provost and vice-president academic and a […]
The Grande Prairie Storm has received a three-year interest-free payment deferral on a city loan, council decided July 24.The Storm organization presented to the InvestGP committee on June 20, noting its financial issues due to the pandemic. “Working with this organization is something strategically that is of value to not only the downtown but the city […]