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PWPSD receives $700,000 in mental health support from province

December 8, 2022

The Peace Wapiti School Division received approximately $700,000 over two years from Alberta Education which will go towards hiring an outreach team leader and three family support workers. “The grant was given to us to help address students who have lost engagement with school during COVID,” said Shawn O'Shea, assistant superintendent. “It could encompass everything from mental […]

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Beaverlodge Christmas Craze photo gallery

December 8, 2022
Friday evening saw the holidays kick off with the Beaverlodge Christmas Craze. While stores hosted special seasonal sales, the community was invited to comeout and enjoy a spread of holiday cheer, from a Christmas light show hosted bythe Town of Beaverlodge at the campground to hot chocolate and hot dogs fromTirecraft, as well as all […]

Going through the paces of family violence

December 1, 2022

November’s Family Violence Prevention Month may be in the rear-view mirror until 2023, but ample resources and supports exist in the South Peace 12 months a year.Pace Community Support, Sexual Assault and Trauma Centre (PACE) executive director Jacquie Aitken says treatment programs dealing with sexual abuse, as well as a safe visitation program for individuals […]

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Beaverlodge, Grande Prairie schools contribute to a Merry Christmas in Ukraine

December 1, 2022

The community has gathered 287 boxes of Christmas gifts for people in Ukraine.St. Catherine Catholic School teacher Bilyana Coburn spearheaded the campaign to collect gift boxes for the people of Novyi Yarychiv, Ukraine.Bilyana Coburn, St. Catherine Catholic School teacher and organizer, stands with some of the donations from her Christmas in Ukraine campaign at St. […]

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New seniors ride program looking to expand in the area

December 1, 2022

A new transportation service for seniors in the Grande Prairie region is looking for volunteers.Drive Happiness is a volunteer-run service that helps seniors facing financial barriers or restricted mobility get to medical appointments.“It's so simple for me to get my car keys and go out when I need to go to the store or if […]

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Walk-in opening “great win” against doc shortage

November 9, 2022

A new Beaverlodge walk-in clinic is just one step to addressing a nationwide healthcare professional shortage.Dr. Sebastian Haupt will be opening a walk-in clinic at Beaverlodge Health and Wellness later this month, with his office opening Nov. 24, 25, 28 and 29, as well as Dec. 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 from 9 […]

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School council advocating for junior high programming in Beaverlodge

November 9, 2022

The Beaverlodge Elementary School Council is weighing in on how public education is offered in there.If the council has its way, junior high classes will be available in Beaverlodge by adding Grades 7 and 8 to the elementary school and Grade 9 to the high school.The Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) schools currently offer […]

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Peace (officer) at last for Beaverlodge

November 3, 2022

With the community seeing an absent role since summer, Bradley Thibeault will finally step into the role as Beaverlodge peace officer on Nov. 9.Thibeault has served as a peace officer for the past five years, currently serving the M.D. of Greenview.Previously, Thibeault has worked as a Red Seal carpenter for almost 10 years before changing […]

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Changes to definitions in Beaverlodge bylaws

November 3, 2022

Beaverlodge’s new business bylaw has come with new definitions for resident and non-resident businesses.On Sept. 26, town council passed bylaw #1017 business license bylaw which replaced #977.Under the new bylaw, non-resident businesses will see their business license fees double from $100 to $200 on Jan. 1. For those applying for one before that date, the […]

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What haunts the homestead?

October 27, 2022

Do ghosts and ghouls stalk the night at the McNaught Homestead?South of Beaverlodge, the homestead is known today amongst the community for lovely walking trails and an annual tea, as well as the homestead’s connection to acclaimed artist Euphemia McNaught. And, of course, the ghost walk held this time of year is just for fun. Right?Every […]

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