There’s a hole in the community now, says former Beaverlodge Art and Culture Centre director Cathrine Gabriel.For years, long-time resident Betty Gaudin has been a passionate part of that community, volunteering wherever the opportunity could be found. Whenever she wasn’t travelling abroad, she was seen everywhere from the Beaverlodge Area Cultural Society (BACS) to St. […]
Marie Renee Charbonneau, organizer, places a candle during the candlelight vigil honouring the Dutch liberation at the Veterans Memorial Park in Grande Prairie, Alta. on Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. The tradition comes from the Holten Canadian War Cemetery in the Netherlands, where citizens from the area place candles at the graves of Canadian soldiers every […]
The Grande Prairie Salvation Army has well surpassed its goal of $600,000 for its 2022 kettle campaign. The Salvation Army announced on social media it has raised $681,840.56 in its yearly campaign, said Captain Peter Kim, Grande Prairie Salvation Army executive director.Captain Peter Kim, Grande Prairie Salvation Army executive director. (File photo by Jesse Boily)“It is […]
Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) is expanding its apprenticeship programming after receiving a $341,800 investment from the province, which will result in 80 additional seats this year.“This funding will enhance our ability to respond to and support the increasing demand for apprentices within our region,” said Caitlin Hartigan, NWP dean of skilled trades.“We are grateful for this […]
A group of physicians and non-physicians hope to purchase and re-open the Beaverlodge Medical Clinic.A letter was presented to Beaverlodge town council at the committee of the whole meeting on Monday from Dr. Camellia Presley, seeking the town’s support in absorbing annual taxes on the building and coverage of basic water and septic charges.In her […]
Photo by Austin PayeurOn Dec. 24 of 1931, temperatures dropped as low as -23 C in Beaverlodge. The world had started its trudge through the Dirty 30s, and families across the world felt the pangs of the Great Depression.But on the front page of The Grande Prairie Herald that day, a sliver of Christmas news […]
The Grande Prairie Friendship Centre is launching a podcast in the new year that will explore various issues from a youth perspective. The Peyakôskân Podcast Initiative is looking to gather local youth from different cultural backgrounds to interview people in the community - and outside of it - on a wide variety of topics. Cara Jones, Peyakôskân […]
Those who find themselves passing by the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie (AGGP) will now be greeted by even more artwork. The wall outside of the gallery, inside Montrose Cultural Centre, is now displaying works from the TREX (Travelling Exhibition) Northwest.Jamie-Lee Cormier, Traveling Exhibitions Program Northwest curator, finishes the installation of the first exhibition “Winter Wonderland” […]
Farming families have been decrying the death of three horses in the South Peace this month.Craig Nelson, who lives in the Bear Lake area west of Sexsmith, says that he found his horses wounded on Dec. 3 as he went to roll out some round bales for the animals.“I was taking the tractor and I […]